Multi-access learning refers to courses or classes where students can attend the class in-person or online making the class more accessible. Additionally, the online option may be available synchronously or asynchronously. Multi-access classes provide opportunities for students who may not physically reside in a particular area or may be restricted to a certain physical location as well as opportunities for students to still fully participate even if they cannot physically attend in-person classes. Multi-access learning is about providing learning opportunities for everyone despite restrictions they may face.

Blended learning, also known as hybrid learning, is an approach to education that combines online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based classroom methods.” ~ Wikipedia

Blended Learning combines face-to-face learning with online learning where the goal is for each to complement the other to provide an enriching experience. Blended learning is more complex than simply having an online chat room or uploading a lecture video online, the experience is meant to be engaging, and enriching.

Flipped Learning is a type of blended learning where class or group time is made into collaborative, engaging work time by assigning work and readings before or outside of class time to complete individually. This way students come to class already knowing important information so they can engage in active learning with each other.

“It hinges on the idea that students learn more effectively by using class time for small group activities and individual attention” ~Lesley University

Photo by Ismail Salad Osman Hajji dirir on Unsplash

This week during class we learned how to use TinkerCad a 3D design tool that integrates continuous learning and math allowing users to create 3D designs and models. TinkerCad can be used to create designs for 3D printing but it is also regularly used to teach geometry in schools. The following photo is the design I created for a keychain of Nutmeg’s name.