My Journey as a Preservice Teacher

category Weekly Reflections

This is the category to apply to your weekly reflection posts from the course.

Technology and Inquiry Reflection

Joanna Lake’s Presentation Reflecting on Joanna’s presentation, one of my favourite takeaways was doing a daily checkin with students. I’ve heard of teachers engaging with such activities before but I’ve never seen a specific example or way a teacher does… Continue Reading →

Multi-Access Learning Reflection

Multi-access learning refers to courses or classes where students can attend the class in-person or online making the class more accessible. Additionally, the online option may be available synchronously or asynchronously. Multi-access classes provide opportunities for students who may not… Continue Reading →

Coding and Computational Thinking

Check out my version of the game Flappy Bird @ Computational Thinking allows us to take a difficult problem, understand what the problem is, and develop solutions to solve it. The solution is presented in a way that both… Continue Reading →

Accessibility Reflection

In the past, especially working in classrooms, I have come to know and recognize that accessibility is a huge part of student learning and success. We cannot expect students to succeed if we don’t provide them with the proper environment… Continue Reading →

EdCamp Reflection

During our EdCamp time, I engaged with a few different topics however I was most drawn to the discussion on communicating with parents/guardians as an educator. Looking to the future and my career as a teacher, communicating with parents does… Continue Reading →

Week 5 Technology in the Classroom

The SAMR theory of technology, created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, categorizes technology integration in the classroom to determine how to use  technologies for various activities. The categories are made up of substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition and help make the… Continue Reading →

Week 4 Your Online Presence

Creative commons licensed materials are materials provided by creators to the public to use without having to seek the creator’s permission due to copyright. Fortunately, such materials are available to be used for educational purposes. These materials, used for learning,… Continue Reading →

Week 3 H5P Tools & Multimedia Learning

Reflecting on the past year or so I can certainly see how H5P tools would be useful for a class, especially regarding virtual learning.  Providing students with an interactive video they can watch at their own pace reduces the chances… Continue Reading →

Week Two

I believe that we do need to reimagine education, perhaps not every aspect of it but schooling should get children involved with their learning, encourage them to take chances and make mistakes, and teach them critical thinking. I don’t believe… Continue Reading →

Intro to Blogging

Regardless of the age or grade level, blog as a pedagogy has benefits for all students. Today’s students live in a rich world of technology and the pedagogy of blogging has the ability to teach students how to navigate that… Continue Reading →

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