For my free inquiry project, I will be documenting the process of training my pet guinea pig to do tricks. As strange as it may sound, guinea pigs can be trained to perform tricks just as dogs are often trained to perform various tricks. My guinea pigs are a large part of my life and I consider myself very passionate about them which is why I think going through the process of trying to train them would be an enjoyable experience for me as well as a fun topic to blog about. While I do have multiple guinea pigs, I think I will try to focus my attention on training just one of them so as not to overwhelm myself. I’m quite excited about it because she is a young baby with an endless amount of energy, and I find myself continually looking for different ways to entertain her. I think teaching her tricks would be a great form of entertainment for both of us.

I plan to break the training into two-week intervals, where the first week will involve investigating how to teach the trick and gathering resources about the chosen trick. The second week will focus on actually teaching her the trick. Every two weeks we will focus on learning a new trick.

Pictured below is baby Nutmeg, she’s about 7 months old and has more energy than I ever thought was possible for such a little creature.