I spent this week researching the first trick I will be attempting to teach Nutmeg. This first trick, pictured above, is called “Paws Up”. The goal of the trick is to have Nutmeg climb up and rest her front paws on my hand which will be held slightly off the ground. To do this I gathered a few resources so I could understand what I needed to do before attempting to teach Nutmeg this trick. I found the website Guinea Pig Tricks and the following youtube video to be particularly helpful to my learning, however, I will be teaching Nutmeg to put her paws up on my hand rather than on an object.

Step-by-step youtube video to the trick “Paws Up”

From my research, I’ve compiled a list of steps that I will follow as Nutmeg and I attempt to learn this first trick

  • I will place my open hand directly on the ground, palm up, then using a treat I will lure Nutmeg over to my hand until she places her front paws up on my hand
  • After some practice, I will stop leading her to my hand and simply hold the treat over my hand. She will come to my hand on her own
  • Once she starts coming to my hand on her own, I will slowly start placing my hand slightly above the ground so she has to step up onto it
  • As she gets more comfortable I will raise my hand slightly higher off the ground until we reach a reasonable height
  • By the end she will no longer need constant treats to perform the trick, she will simply understand the signal I give her means “Paws Up”

Now equipped with a list of steps to follow, Nutmeg and I will be spending the following week learning and practicing this trick! Wish us luck!